In addition to the wide spectrum of columns for mycotoxin analysis, LCTech offers columns for Solid Phase Extraction (SPE).
In analytical laboratories, samples are commonly cleaned via SPE columns in order to obtain clean solutions for subsequent analysis or to concentrate the analyte. A multitude of available SPE columns are made of plastic. This type of column cannot be used for all applications due to interactions with the analyte or release of impurities from the synthetic material.
LCTech offers glass columns (unfilled or filled and in different sizes) for these applications and also supplies the appurtenant inert accessories, such as stainless steel needles, glass fiber filters, and caps.
Additionally, LCTech developed the affinity column BioteX for biotin / vitamin B7 analysis in the framework of vitamin analysis.
Biotin is a naturally occurring vitamin that belongs to the family of B vitamins (B7) and is one of the water-soluble vitamins.
It can be found ubiquitously in many foods. Egg yolk, soybeans and liver are amongst the foods that are high in biotin content. The biotin concentration supports a vitamin-rich diet and is consequently found in many vitamin drinks, vitamin tablets or food supplements.